Our remembrances will be sweeter because of you.

11.7.24 We are deeply grateful for a new space dedicated to the memories of those whose lives have touched Crossroads. Through a fund created from donations given in memory of loved ones, we aim to ensure Crossroads’ future and honor these individuals whose legacy now lives on in a special place on our grounds.
Today, a group of kind volunteers from Pursuit completed our Remembrance Area—a 6×10-foot space thoughtfully lined with weed block, topped with mulch, and featuring our Onnex bench. It offers a beautiful, peaceful view and a serene place for reflection. In the spring, we will add a lilac tree, symbolizing growth and remembrance, along with rocks bearing the names of those honored through this fund, creating a lasting border around the area.
We invite you to visit and spend time in this beautiful space, where memories are cherished and the legacy of those we remember is preserved, supporting Crossroads’ mission for many years to come.