Each and every day, help from people who are kind and caring makes a difference for the children and families of Crossroads.

Individual Giving is a major portion of our fundraising strategy at Crossroads, building revenue to meet the gap between the state-set tuitions that Crossroads receives, and what it actually costs to run an effective and life-changing program.

In order to make progress with essential skills, most  of the students we serve require a higher level of service than they are able to receive in any other setting. Crossroads provides the highly individualized, specialized programming with data analysis of their performance of goals benefits the children and allows the team to adapt programming in direct accordance with what the child needs.

To do all this requires a greater level of attention, individualization, and service time than students will get anywhere else; this is why we are here to serve our local districts and counties.

We are committed to doing what it takes to help each student learn the most essential skills for living functional and independent lives.

We appreciate each and every gift, and every single donor. 


  • Every day the children of Crossroads Center for Children work harder than most to learn the very skills that are most essential in life. Breaking down goals into more manageable sets and steps, individualized for the abilities and interests of each child, staff here are intensely focused on student outcomes, knowing that there is no time to lose.
  • Seeing our children grow to be successful within their families – many for the first time – and within their communities, takes involvement from “a village” of folks that know that successful children today means a better world for them and for the community tomorrow.
  • Your donation will help to provide the services and programs that are individualized for each learner precisely for their needs.  
Why monthly? For me, It's difficult to justify an outlay of several hundred dollars on Giving Tuesday, or for a special event, but you would be surprised how little you'll miss, say, $20 per month.  It’s easy on the budget and at the end of the year, you may be surprised to see what a difference your monthly gift has made. Why Crossroads? My 23-year-old nephew is a testament to the commitment and caring of Crossroads’ staff.  Diagnosed with autism at almost 3 years old, when he could not communicate or make eye contact, he is now articulate, engaged, social, smart, funny, and attending college.  I could not be more proud of him, and Crossroads played a big part in bringing him out of his world and into ours.  In short, I value the work Crossroads promotes, and I want to ensure that other children on the spectrum have the chances that my nephew had and has.
Carolyn Oill
Monthly Donor
Yes! We are able to accept Cryptocurrency!


  • Tempera Paint 
  • Shaving Cream 
  • Water balloons

Several classrooms have their own wish lists on their pages, too!



Contains what we most need in terms of in-kind items, and what we are currently able to accept. It is important to contact VickiR@Crossroadcenter.org first to ensure we’re able to accept your donation, and to arrange a time. Donations cannot be accepted without an appointment.
Is updated weekly (or more) from the requests of our team members.
While we are always thankful for donations, due to space limitations, we cannot accept everything our generous community may wish to contribute. If you have items that are not listed, please email a picture to VickiR@Crossroadcenter.org to learn if we might accept them.
Items can be previously used but should be CLEAN and in SAFE condition. We are not able to take stuffed animals or clothing, thank you.

NEW: We are registered with Walmart’s brand new Spark Good! for Round Upand for Nonprofit Registry! If this is an easier way to donate to Crossroads Center for Children, visit this link: https://www.walmart.com/registry/RR/4c5aa154-3164-49eb-be2a-f731e6bf3fc7

Crossroads Center for Children is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law. We will provide a receipt for items we accept, with your stated value. 

Every day the children of Crossroads Center for Children work harder than most to learn the very skills that are most essential in life. Breaking down goals into more manageable sets and steps, individualized for the abilities and interests of each child, staff here are intensely focused on student outcomes, knowing that there is no time to lose. Seeing our children grow to be successful within their families – many for the first time – and within their communities, takes involvement from “a village” of folks that know that successful children today means a better world for them and for the community tomorrow.

Your donation will help to provide the services and programs that are individualized for each learner precisely for their needs.  

Our monthly donors say that by giving monthly, they know their contributions are adding up to a larger amount and making a great impact over time. Sometimes a large donation at one time can be difficult, but dividing it across the span of a year helps them to achieve their giving goals.

For us, it helps us to ensure funds are coming in to help pay expenses.  

Our Remembrance Fund will breathe life into the future of our organization.
Remembering forever:

Ed Davis | Onnex Hall  |  Thomas D. Moretti  | Carole Baule  | C.J. Harris  | Lee Lupsa  | Mark Sullivan |  Denise Robinson | Tugg Sleeper | Carmella Galvin | 


It is hard to say goodbye to a friend or loved one.

We know. We’ve created this option, The Remembrance Fund, to be available to anyone wanting to donate to Crossroads in memory of a loved one. What a beautiful way to breathe life into the future, and remember the past. be offered as an option to any donors in memory of their loved one going forward. The money that goes in will be saved for use for emergency or urgent situations, and will build slowly in interest over time. Because life continues, and we want it to be good for the next generation. Your donation, given so kindly in a spirit of helping the school, will always be appreciated. It is important that the fund is named in a way that others in the future will find it appealing. People often donate to their favorite nonprofit at times of death, and we’ve always used those donations to keep the lights on so to speak. Now, because of those who have lost loved ones, we can offer them an option of helping today, or helping the future of Crossroads. Thank you for your consideration, and with sympathy for your loss.

Please reach out to Vickir@Crossroadcenter.org with any questions, or to honor your loved one in this way.

How the Remembrance Fund was born:

On the heels of Covid, when we’d hit emergency revenue shortfalls, we lost our friend, Ed Davis.

With lots of input from Kathleen, Ed’s wife and our coworker, and with approval from our board of trustees, we opened an account to become a special fund to save for the future. It was originally opened with the amount of the donations that came in memory of Ed, and since, has been offered as an option to any donors in memory of their loved one.

The money in this account is saved for use for emergency or urgent situations, and will build slowly in interest over time. Because life continues, and we want it to be good for the next generation. These gifts, so kindly given in the spirit of helping the school, will always be appreciated and their loved ones remembered on this page.  








Matching donations means that when you make a gift to a charitable organization, and you apply to your company’s matching program, they will donate to the organization too. In most cases matches are made dollar for dollar, but other ratios also occur, such as halving, doubling, or tripling. Donation matches can be made for straight out donations, or even for the deductible (donation) part of event tickets.

If your company has a matching program, and you donate to us, please request a match. This can significantly increase your impact on the children here. Example: you donate $50 and your company matches it at an equal amount, $50, and now instead of 5 gallons of tempera paint, we can buy 10. Or, instead, a tablet for a classroom.

Don’t know if your company matches? Ask. Your business development or business office will know.  (♥ If they don’t match yet, perhaps you might suggest such a program. ♥ ) Here’s the best list we can find of companies with matching programs:



Knitt is a place where local businesses highlight their giving mission and nonprofits find new partnerships. As a web-based platform, Knitt offers a wide range of digital tools to help plan, track and account for corporate giving.

What will your legacy be?

It’s something no one enjoys talking about, but none of us is living forever. As much as we’d all rather avoid the topic, it’s a fact that each of us will someday breathe our last breath and move on to meet our maker.

While we travel onto heaven or whatever afterlife we may believe in, those we’ll leave behind will have their memories of us, hopefully loving ones, and they will also still have life’s many joys – and challenges – facing them. What if we could help them, even when we’ve passed on?

We can, in fact. Leaving a philanthropic legacy gift is a beautiful way to be remembered and to continue to help those we care about long after we are gone. We can plan and set up now a future gift for a cause we care deeply about. A legacy gift will designate some part of our estate as a donation to a nonprofit. This will allow us to create a beautiful impact on the same cause we care so much about in the future.

The reason this conversation is important to our supporters is the same that it is important to Crossroads. The organization – school and clinic – can’t operate and survive without the philanthropic support that its supporters provide. Those of us who want to make an impact on the future generations of Crossroads can help by considering this concept now, while we are still on this side of the grass. Interestingly, in many cases, supporters who have never been able to make a large gift in their lifetimes are able to do so in passing on due to the funds that become available at that time. This makes planning a future gift doable for many folks – not just wealthy ones. Also, there may be tax benefits for the estate that has planned for a gift to a nonprofit.

Learn more! There is a great breakdown of related information in this article found on PlannedGiving.com: http://www.cfhoward.org/legacy_plan.html#gsc.tab=0

If you’d like to include Crossroads in your will, please speak with your attorney. Here are some examples of ways gifts are made, as found at http://www.cfhoward.org/legacy_plan.html#gsc.tab=0 :

UNRESTRICTED GIFT: “I give, devise, and bequeath to Crossroads Center for Children, a nonprofit organization, the sum of _________ Dollars ($____________).”

SPECIFIC PERCENTAGE: “I give, devise, and bequeath to Crossroads Center for Children, a nonprofit organization, an amount equal to _____________ percent (_______%) of the value of my estate at the time of my death.”

RESIDUAL BEQUEST: “I give, devise, and bequeath all of the residue of my estate, both real and personal, to Crossroads Center for Children, a nonprofit organization,”

CONTINGENT BEQUEST: “If the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, then I hereby give and bequeath all of my property and estate to the Crossroads Center for Children, a nonprofit organization.”[/pb_box_paragraph]

When you leave a legacy you’ll ensure that the program you cherish lives on. Reach out with questions, or to let us know if your plans include us.

  • IRA charitable rollovers and qualified charitable distributions are a special way to support Crossroads and impact the lives of special children. You can support Crossroads through your IRA distribution – if you are 70½ years or greater, you are allowed to contribute up to $100,000 per year directly from your IRA to a nonprofit without being taxed on the withdrawal.

  • Donor inquiries can be directed to VickiR@Crossroadcenter.org.Gift Acceptance Policy


Thank you for your support of our school!