An Occupational Therapist specializes in helping children to improve their fine motor skills (hand writing and hand dexterity skills), adaptive development (eating, dressing, and self care activities), and sensory processing abilities (the ability to take in and manage auditory, tactile, and visual stimuli effectively within their environment).

Children who demonstrate developmental delays in their gross motor development may benefit from physical therapy services. A Physical Therapist specializes in helping children to improve their basic foundational motor skills (sitting, rolling, standing, and walking) so that the higher level gross motor skills needed for their continued physical development and ability to participate in general play activities can develop.

Eligibility is determined by formal testing procedures conducted by a registered occupational therapist and/or licensed physical therapist. Through a detailed evaluation of a child’s level of performance in these critical developmental areas, a plan of care can be created and implemented as necessary.

Occupational and Physical Therapy services are typically provided during the child’s school day. The mode of delivery of these services varies from: individual one-on-one sessions to establish foundational skills; group sessions to work on the social aspect of these physical skills; “push in” sessions to support a child’s current physical skills among their peers within the academic environment; and direct and indirect consultation services to discuss a child’s performance with his/her classroom staff and offer suggestions to further assist a child in their fine motor, gross motor, adaptive development, or sensory processing abilities. Parent training sessions are scheduled on a monthly basis to allow parents the opportunity to observe their child’s occupational and/or physical therapy sessions. These training sessions provide parents/caretakers with the skills to ensure carryover with their children in the home environment.

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OT Month

April is OT Month!

Cheers to our fabulous OT team! As April marks Occupational Therapy Month, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation for your dedication, compassion, and expertise in supporting our students' growth and development. Our OTs are the cream of the crop! Happy OT Month!

“O” Jumps With Denise. 4.19.24

O has been working on a variety of skills all year, and when he is with Denise, he lights up with excitement to practice them.

Running and jumping activities are fundamental gross motor skills crucial for daily functioning. By incorporating these movements into PT sessions, O can enhance his coordination, balance, and overall physical abilities, improving his independence in various activities.

Denise’s use of ABA principles emphasizes positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. Engaging O in activities like running and jumping not only promotes physical development but also provides opportunities for reinforcing positive behaviors, such as following instructions, staying focused, and persevering through challenges.

By practicing running and jumping during PT sessions, O can transfer these skills to other environments, such as the playground or sports activities, fostering greater independence and participation in social and recreational activities.

Incorporating fun and motivating activities like running and jumping into therapy sessions can increase O’s engagement and motivation to participate actively. By making therapy sessions enjoyable and rewarding, O is more likely to maintain interest and enthusiasm, leading to more effective skill acquisition and progress.

Puzzle Pieces 4.16.24

Frequently in the classrooms, therapists will work on skills in students’ natural learning environments. What’s also beneficial in this particular scenario, is that Chenoa has two students taking turns to complete the puzzle together, fostering a sense of teamwork and friendship as they accomplish a challenge. 

Drawing a Square in OT. 2.5.24

Let’s shine a spotlight on Occupational Therapy (OT) at Crossroads! J, with the guidance of his incredible OT, Ellyn, is mastering the skill of drawing a square. The journey of learning and growth is uniquely tailored to each child’s needs, and watching these milestones unfold is truly inspiring.