Age Group: 4-5 Year Olds
Class Size: 12 Children
In my class, I see students blossom with potential, turning every teaching moment into a source of joy and fulfillment.
Jennifer Krajewski
Special Education Teacher
Room 6 Team
Room 6 is a 6:1:2 integrated preschool classroom with children ages 3-5. Throughout the year the children work on increasing their attending skills, independence skills and appropriate social and play skills with both adults and peers. Throughout the school day we also work on a variety of academic goals within one-to-one settings, small groups, and large groups.

Room 6 utilizes the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum to increase literacy skills (pre-writing, letter formation, recognizing numbers, letters, and shapes.)

Room 6 Wish List:

1 EasyGo Product Bubble Fish Aquarium Lamp 

Recently in Room 6...

5.10.24  Our learners love the Learning Without Tears curriculum, especially using the whiteboards to practice letters! They also get excited when it’s time for our Numbers books – everyone has their own, and the kids enjoy making their books special by adding their own handwritten numbers. We (teachers) are all so proud of these children. They’ve grown so much this year, come so far, and are so motivated to learn and try new things! 

Doh play FUN. 4.25.24   

Playdoh is not only incredibly fun to play with but also offers numerous benefits for the  development of our students.

  1. Creativity and Imagination: Playing with Playdoh encourages children to explore their imagination and express their creativity. They can mold the Playdoh into various shapes, objects, and creatures, allowing them to create their own objects and likenesses.  

  2. Fine Motor Skills: Manipulating Playdoh helps children develop their fine motor skills as they squeeze, roll, pinch, and mold the dough. These actions strengthen their hand muscles and improve hand-eye coordination, which are essential for tasks like writing, drawing, and using utensils.

  3. Sensory Stimulation: Playdoh play provides sensory stimulation through tactile experiences. Children engage their senses of touch, sight, and sometimes even smell as they explore the texture and colors of the dough. This sensory input enhances their sensory processing abilities and promotes sensory exploration and awareness.

Overall, Playdoh play in Room 6 offers a multi-sensory, engaging, and developmentally enriching experience for children, fostering creativity, fine motor skills, and sensory development in a fun and playful manner.


Social Skills in Room 6           3.21.24

During social centers in Room 6, children pair up to play games with each other, promoting socialization and cooperation as they learn to take turns, follow rules, and consider each other’s feelings. 

Following game time, the group comes together to paint a colorful mural, fostering teamwork, communication, and creativity as they collaborate to create a shared masterpiece, encouraging them to express themselves and appreciate the contributions of others.

Room 6 students sitting and listening to a book being read aloud by a volunteer.
Reading With Mrs. Kathy 2.14.24

Mrs. Kathy comes to Crossroads each week and reads to our students. Here she reads to Room 6, where students are fully attentive and engaged. 

A Day in The Life Of Our PE Class 2.7.24

In our classroom, physical education takes center stage daily as the students immerse themselves in a world of movement and fun. The introduction of a colorful parachute, part of our Special Olympics curriculum, transforms the gym into an experience of excitement.

As the parachute billows overhead, the children giggle and squeal, their faces lit with joy. The magic of play begins as they eagerly go underneath, chasing and passing balls underneath. This simple activity becomes a delightful exercise in coordination and spatial awareness.

The adventure continues as the children enthusiastically raise the parachute high and then bring it down low. This dynamic play not only energizes their bodies but also introduces them to concepts of up and down, enhancing their understanding of spatial relationships.