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Crossroads participates in CLYNK!

CLYNK is a recycling program through Hannaford that we have participated in for several years, and that is an easy and popular way to support Crossroads Center for Children. CLYNK provides us with labels and bags, and we collect bottles and cans; when each bag is full it is taken to any Hannaford, the label scanned, and the bag is dropped in a specific spot. The deposit money is attributed to our account, and we receive a check every quarter for the amount. As a nonprofit, this is helpful for supplies and such. 

So next time you’re here, grab a bag, fill it up, and take it to your Hannaford. Or drop your empty into any of our containers. You can always reach out and ask for bags to be sent home via backpack, too! 

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Donations of in kind items can also be helpful!